
Japanese Oldest Gods and Goddessesc Part1


The "Zouka San Shin(造化三神)" that appear first in Japanese  mythology("Kojiki") are three deities who preside over the creation of the natural world.
They are believed to have the power to shape the physical and spiritual dimensions of the universe.

The "Kotoamatsukami(別天津神)" are the earliest deities in Japanese mythology who were born from the chaotic energy of the universe.
They are considered the most powerful gods, and were responsible for the creation of the world, the establishment of order and the emergence of life.
They are revered as the most ancient and sacred of all Japanese deities.

The"Kami no Yonanayo(神世七代)" deities were born after the "Kotoamatsukami".
They refers to the seven generations of gods who ruled over Japan in ancient times. And from the"Kami no Yonayo", the distinction between male and female deities emerged.

Here's Part2


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