
"Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki": Exploring Japan's Oldest Historical Records

The "Kojiki," the oldest historical book in Japan, was compiled by Oon Yasumaro and presented to Emperor Genmei in 712 CE. 

The book is centered on Japanese mythology and begins with the appearance of the "Zouka San Shin" (造化三神)

The contents of the "Nihon Shoki" (The Chronicles of Japan), which was also created around the same time, were intended for foreign audiences. 

The "Kojiki" and the "Nihon Shoki" share similar content but differ in their interpretations and presentation. The "Kojiki" includes many myths and legends, whereas the "Nihon Shoki" emphasizes the chronology of events. 

Although the two books are similar, the "Kojiki" is considered more reliable in terms of historical accuracy. Despite the fact that the "Kojiki" was primarily intended for domestic audiences, it has become a valuable resource for scholars around the world to study the origins of Japanese culture and mythology.




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